Move My Roomba Home Base?

Can I Move My Roomba Home Base

Are you wondering whether you can move your Roomba home base to a different location? The answer is yes, you can move it. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure your Roomba can still find its way back to the base and recharge itself to continue cleaning.

When moving your Roomba home base, make sure the new location is ideal and doesn’t have too many obstacles that would hide the base. You should also follow some positioning guidelines to ensure your Roomba can easily locate its base. By doing so, you can ensure your Roomba works effectively and continues to keep your floors clean.

How do I move my Roomba home base?

Moving your Roomba home base is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Identify a new location: Before moving your Roomba home base, you need to identify a new location. The new location should be an open space far away from any obstacles or other cluttering material. The location should be away from stairs and level as possible.
  2. Turn off your Roomba: Before moving your Roomba home base, you need to turn off your Roomba. This will prevent any accidental damage to your Roomba or the home base.
  3. Pick up your Roomba home base: Once your Roomba is turned off, you can pick up your Roomba home base. Make sure to pick it up by the handle on the back of the unit.
  4. Move your Roomba home base: Move your Roomba home base to the new location. Make sure to place it on a level surface and away from any obstacles or clutter.
  5. Turn on your Roomba: Once your Roomba home base is in the new location, you can turn on your Roomba. Your Roomba will automatically detect the new location and update its map accordingly.

By following these simple steps, you can easily move your Roomba home base to a new location. Just make sure to identify a new location that is far away from any obstacles or clutter, and place it on a level surface.

Where can I place my Roomba charging station?

When it comes to placing your Roomba charging station, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure optimal performance. Here are some tips to help you decide where to place your Roomba charging station:

  • Choose an open area: Roomba needs a clear path to its charging station, so it’s essential to choose an open area that is free of obstacles. Avoid placing the charging station in a corner or behind furniture.
  • Leave enough space: Roomba needs enough space to dock and undock from its charging station. We recommend leaving at least 1.5 feet on each side of the charging station, 4 feet in front of it, and 4 feet between the charging station and any stairs.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Direct sunlight can interfere with Roomba’s sensors and affect its performance. So, it’s best to avoid placing the charging station in direct sunlight.
  • Choose a level surface: Roomba’s charging station needs to be placed on a level surface. Avoid placing it on a carpet or a rug as they can interfere with the charging process.
  • Consider the noise level: Roomba’s charging station can emit a low humming noise while charging. So, it’s best to avoid placing it in a bedroom or any other room where the noise can be disruptive.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that your Roomba charging station is placed in an optimal location, allowing Roomba to recharge efficiently and effectively.

Things to Consider When Moving Roomba Home Base

If you are planning to move your Roomba home base, there are a few things you should consider to ensure a smooth transition. In this section, we will discuss three important factors to keep in mind when moving your Roomba home base: avoiding obstacles, power supply, and Roomba’s mapping capability.

Avoiding Obstacles

When selecting a new location for your Roomba home base, it is important to choose a spot that is free of obstacles. This will help ensure that your Roomba can easily dock and recharge without any issues. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a new location:

  • Choose a location that is free of clutter and obstacles.
  • Make sure the location is level and stable.
  • Avoid placing the home base near stairs or other drop-offs.

Power Supply

Another important factor to consider when moving your Roomba home base is the power supply. Make sure that the new location has easy access to a power outlet. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Choose a location that is close to a power outlet.
  • Make sure the power outlet is easily accessible.
  • Consider using an extension cord if necessary.

Roomba’s Mapping Capability

When you move your Roomba home base, it is important to keep in mind that your Roomba may need to remap the area. This is because Roomba uses an internal map to locate the home base and navigate your home. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Allow your Roomba to run a few cleaning cycles to remap the area.
  • If you have multiple floors, you may need to create separate maps for each floor.
  • Be patient as your Roomba may take some time to remap the area.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can ensure a smooth transition when moving your Roomba home base.

Is it necessary to remap my Roomba if I move the base?

If you need to move the home base of your Roomba, you may be wondering if you need to remap your entire home. The good news is that you don’t need to remap your Roomba if you move the base. Your Roomba can adapt to the new location of the home base without requiring a new map of your home.

When you move the home base, your Roomba will detect the change in location during its next cleaning run. It will update its map and continue cleaning your home as usual. However, if your Roomba has difficulty locating the new home base, you can manually update the map on the app without remapping your entire home again.

It is important to note that if you move the home base to a different room, your Roomba may not recognize the new area and may not clean it. In this case, you may need to manually add the new room to your Roomba’s map.

Overall, moving the home base of your Roomba is a simple process that does not require remapping your entire home. Your Roomba will adapt to the new location of the home base and continue cleaning your home as usual.

Troubleshooting After Moving Roomba Home Base

Moving your Roomba home base can be a great way to optimize your cleaning experience. However, after moving the home base, you may run into some issues with your Roomba’s performance. In this section, we will go over some common issues you may encounter and how to troubleshoot them.

Roomba Cannot Find Home Base

If your Roomba cannot find its new home base, there are a few things you can try to fix the issue:

  • Check the battery level: If the battery level is low, your Roomba may not be able to find the home base. Charge the battery and try again.
  • Check the location: Make sure the home base is in an open, uncluttered area, away from any obstacles or other cluttering material. The location should be away from stairs and level as possible.
  • Update the smart app: If you moved the home base to a new location, you may need to update the smart app. Go to the map, check for history, select one of the old runs, and select “update my smart app”. This will update the new Roomba base, and your Roomba will find it easily without issues.

Roomba’s Cleaning Pattern is Disrupted

If your Roomba’s cleaning pattern is disrupted after moving the home base, try the following steps:

  • Reset the map: If you moved the home base to a new location, you may need to reset the map. To reset the map, press and hold the clean button for 10 seconds until you hear a tone. This will reset the map, and your Roomba will create a new one.
  • Rerun a mapping run: If you cleared out a new space for the home base that it didn’t map as part of the room, your Roomba may get confused. Rerun a mapping run to update the map.
  • Check the location: Make sure the home base is in an open, uncluttered area, away from any obstacles or other cluttering material. The location should be away from stairs and level as possible.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can ensure that your Roomba continues to function properly after moving the home base.

Can I relocate my Roomba charging station?

Yes, you can relocate your Roomba charging station to another room or area in your home. However, it is important to keep in mind a few things before making the move.

Firstly, you should ensure that the new location is easily accessible for your Roomba. The charging station emits an infrared signal that the Roomba uses to locate it, so make sure that the signal is not blocked by any obstacles.

Secondly, you should follow the recommended positioning guidelines provided by Roomba to ensure that the charging station is in an optimal location for your Roomba to dock and recharge. These guidelines include leaving at least 1.5 feet on each side of the charging station, at least 4 feet in front of it, and at least 4 feet between it and any stairs.

If you do decide to relocate your charging station, you may need to manually update the Roomba’s map on the app to help it locate the new location. This can be done easily by selecting an old run from the history page and updating the smart app.

In summary, you can relocate your Roomba charging station, but it is important to ensure that the new location is easily accessible and follows the recommended positioning guidelines. Don’t forget to update the Roomba’s map on the app if necessary.


In conclusion, moving your Roomba home base is possible and easy to do. You can relocate it to another room or even to a different house. Just make sure to keep a few things in mind, such as selecting a new location that is open, level, and far away from any obstacles or cluttering materials.

Before moving the home base, it is also important to write down or take a picture of the Home Base serial number (HBSN) for reference. This will help you update the Roomba’s map if it has trouble docking or finding the base in its new location.

If you are moving to a new house, it is recommended to do a training run for your Roomba to map out the new space and avoid any potential obstacles. You may also want to consider buying a stair gate to prevent your Roomba from falling down the stairs.

Overall, relocating your Roomba home base is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. With the right precautions and considerations, you can enjoy a clean and organized home with the help of your Roomba.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I reset my Roomba home base?

Yes, you can reset your Roomba home base. To do this, press and hold the “Dock” button on your Roomba for 10 seconds until the light ring around the “Clean” button turns off. This will reset the home base and your Roomba will need to relearn the location of the base.

Is it possible to change the home location of my Roomba on the map?

Yes, it is possible to change the home location of your Roomba on the map. To do this, go to the “Settings” section of your Roomba app and select “Home Base.” From there, you can adjust the location of the home base on the map.

Can I have multiple home bases for my Roomba?

No, you cannot have multiple home bases for your Roomba. Your Roomba is designed to have only one home base, and it will always return to that location to recharge.

Can I move my Roomba home base to a different floor?

Yes, you can move your Roomba home base to a different floor. However, you will need to set up a new map for that floor and teach your Roomba where the new home base is located. It’s important to keep in mind that your Roomba may have difficulty navigating stairs, so you may need to manually carry it to the new location.

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